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The logistic is the newest direction of science about production, consumption, transport, marketing. Attach large significance to the study of logistic abroad. In Switzerland more than 15 years there is the European center on logistic. In the USA more than 75 percents of firms in the practical activity successfully use the receptions of logistic. In the modern terms of transition from the centralized planned system of organization of national economy to the market economy, when single Soviet Union disintegrated on a few nation-states, when many technological and economic svyazy was hereupon torn, principles of logistic take on special significance. Renewal of svyazey, forming of single economic space, single transporting, power, informative systems must be made only taking into account logistic principles. Development of logistic in Ukraine requires wide propaganda of its methods among researches workers and production workers. Especially in logistic such friendly to introduction of principles to the environment, as building, transport - major component parts of infrastructure of national economy of country. Principles of logistic are: design, systems analysis and feed-backs. The logistic examines the systems in general, absorbing in itself as subsystems planning, prognostication of production, material and technical supply sale and distributing of products, based on the deep study of market. It is the unique sphere of creation for the strategic orientation of development of production, continuously corrected by demand of user. The strategic orientation in logistic generates the chainlet of technical plans, here in operative plans the orientation will be realized on the processes of sale and distributing with priority not on industry of economy, and regions, that corresponds to the general tendencies of decentralization of management. All processes of distributing and management are directed on achievement of ultimate goal of the logistic system - in time and in safety to deliver a load. The material distributing for achievement of logistic aims of functioning of the system will be realized as the card of physical material streams. Activity of basic firm is taken into account, subpodryadnykh firms-suppliers, co-operation of all group of firms with other spheres of business. At all levels of chainlet delivery of load and its quality is compared to the competitive firms. The material management belongs, mainly, to distributing of the prepared products between recipients. It engulfs advancement of loads on storages of enterprises and marketing and must provide the most economical planning, preparation, realization and control, at work of transport. Continuous track is carried out after advancement of loads on all transporting chainlet. A material distributing and management must be provided by reliable and timely information. Information is the feed-back of material management about satisfaction of demand of customer (user). High economic efficiency of logistic concernes, foremost, by the increase of general organization of production, clear tying up of his links, increase of dirigibility of the system, its sensitiveness to managing influences. Thus, already in the process of forming of the logistic system there are the terms of improvement of many indexes of its functioning. To by him belong: the level of supplies, time-of-flight materials on a logistic chain, duration of cycle, is maintenances of order, quality and level of service, sizes of party of loads, level of employment industrial of capacity, manoeuvrability, adaptiveness, stability of the system. From the most essential examples of the logistic system giving an ever-higher economic effect, there is the level of supplies in the system. Counted up, that more than 30 percents of capitals are made numb in supplies, their maintenance makes from 20 to 40 percents of all charges of user. On enterprises large floorspaces are busy under buffer storages(on separate enterprises - to half). Reduction of cycle of production due to delivery of loads "exactly in time" allows to shorten in two times time of ordering fulfillment, consequently, sizes of circulating assets, volume of raw material and materials in production (production supply). One of firms, applying principles of logistic, was able on 60 percents to reduce the supplies of material and stuffs wares, on 40 percents to cut down expenses transporting, on 40 percents to cut down expenses on acquisition of materials, on 28 percents to improve quality of delivery. The researches conducted in the USA rotined that the use of the logistic system of I?I-2 allowed to shorten inventories of supple on the average on 17 percents, to promote profitability of production on 10 percents, to decrease the purchases of raw material and equipment on 7 percents. Thus on 16 percents to multiply the volume of services provided to the user. The analysis of work of 80 firms in Germany, inculcating the logistic system of Eanban, rotined that the volume of ware-house supplies is brief to 50 percents, labour productivity is enhanceable on 20-50 percents. Forming and preparation to functioning of the logistic system requires heavy tolls. From them 28-40 percents go to perfection of transportations by a main transport, 25-46 percents - on shifting operations and storage of loads, 15-25 percents on packing, 5-17 percents on other needs, including on treatment of orders. Increase of economic efficiency of production the increase of stability of the system, quality and level of the service given to the customer enables. Here distinguish a macrolevel and microlevel of service. A macrolevel touches distributing of customers on areas and their agregyrovanyya. Eventual parameter, allowing to define quality of service is time from the receipt of order to his execution. Users consider that delivery on principle "exactly in time" is important and more effective, but with considerable variation. Admission of varyabel'nosty delivery dates is considered 8-10 weeks + /- 10 percents, less than four weeks - a 1 percent. However, the level of logistic maintenance of production matters optimum some, making about 90 percents. At the increase of level of service, for example, from 95-97 percents an economic effect rises on 2 percents, and charges increase on 14 percents. © 2008 |